Restorative yoga sequence pdf
Restorative yoga sequence pdf

If you’d like to, close your eyes and feel your weight melting down toward the earth. Surrender into stillness in this shape for about 4 minutes.Play around with your props until you find a really soothing and relaxing position for yourself. You may wish to rest your head over a block. You may wish to place your bolster between your leg and your torso. You may wish to angle a bolster and rest your forehead over it. Use props in any way that you’d like to support your weight. Stay as you are or draw your chin toward your chest and round your whole spine forward as you fold over your left leg.Notice how this simple action will gently tip your pelvis forward into an anterior tilt. Tent your fingers behind your hips and ground down into your fingertips to elongate your spine.Optional propping: slide a prop under your right knee and/or place a prop under your left knee.

restorative yoga sequence pdf

Open your right knee out wide and draw the sole of your right foot into your inner left thigh.

  • Bend your right knee and plant your foot on the mat.
  • You may wish to place (or keep) any props under your hips or you may wish to sit on the floor.
  • Stretch your legs forward in front of you.
  • Slowly refocus your gaze or flutter open your eyes.
  • restorative yoga sequence pdf

    Half Butterfly Pose (Ardha Baddha Konasana)

  • Feel grounded to this moment by connecting deeply with your breath.
  • Take long, full, deep inhalations followed by long, full, deep exhalations.
  • Become aware of your breath and slow its rhythm.
  • Feel your weight melt downward as you feel more and more grounded.
  • Visualize yourself growing deep roots to connect you with the earth.
  • Feel the weight of your legs ground down toward the earth.
  • Rest your hands on your lap or your legs with your palms facing down.
  • Root your sit bones down toward the floor and lengthen the crown of your head toward the sky.
  • You may wish to sit onto a block or your bolster.
  • Start in any comfortable seated position.
  • For this practice, you’ll need two yoga blocks (or thick books), a yoga bolster (or firm pillow or thick, rolled up blanket), and some clear wall space. The following Yin Yoga sequence is a gentle practice that is intended to ground you to the present moment.

    #Restorative yoga sequence pdf how to

    How to Practice a Grounding Yin Yoga Sequence Most Yin shapes are held for about two to five minutes or more, which allows you to settle into their grounding magic. The simplicity and the basic principles of this practice help to ground you and draw you into the present. Commit to staying for a length of time.A good Yin Yoga sequence can make you feel amazing. The practice almost instantly draws you into the present moment by drawing you deeply into your body and your breath. There is something truly magical about this style of yoga. I almost always begin a pose with a block and then move it if/when my body invites me to go deeper.Few practices are quite as grounding as Yin Yoga. You may also want a blanket/towel to sit on during the opening mediation and a pillow or bolster for some of the poses. You may want a block for this beginner yin yoga sequence. In general, more “advanced” yin classes are characterized by longer holds, not “more difficult” or “more advanced” asana. Follow your breath and try not to fidget! If your body invites you to move deeper, then do so, but there is no forcing yourself into a posture in yin yoga.įinally, you hold for time. Once at your comfortable edge, do your best to find stillness.

    restorative yoga sequence pdf

    If you ever feel pain, ease out of the pose right away. Your comfortable edge means a point where you feel sensation, but not pain. The three principle tenants of yin yoga are: Yin yoga focuses on the deeper connective tissues by holding each pose for time. Each class has a comparatively smaller number of poses when compared to a faster, “yang” style class. There are 20 main asana in the Yin Yoga repertoire, but only a handful of these poses are done in each class.

    restorative yoga sequence pdf

    Yin yoga is a slower-paced style of yoga. This post may include affiliate links, which means I may make a commission on purchases made through these links at no additional cost to you.

    Restorative yoga sequence pdf